Dr. George J. Delinasios – SHORT CURRICULUM VITAE


E-mail:   george.delinasios@iiar-anticancer.org

Tel: 00302295053389

Address: International Institute of Anticancer Research (IIAR), 1st km Kapandritiou- Kalamou Rd., P.O.Box 22, Kapandriti, Attiki 19014, Greece

Date of birth: 23 December 1985

Place of birth: Athens, Greece


 October 2007-October 2011: PhD, St John’s Institute of Dermatology, King’s College, London, U.K.

Research Project: “The detection of UVR-induced oxidative stress in human skin cells and its possible prevention by anti-oxidants”.
Supervisor 1: Prof. Antony Young, St. John’s Institute of Dermatology, Division of Genetics and Molecular Medicine, King’s College School of Medicine.
Supervisor 2: Dr. Marcus Cooke, Department of Cancer Studies, University of Leicester.

October 2006-August 2007: MSc (Distinction) Biomedical Sciences Research, King’s College, London, U.K.

Research Project: “Development of T-cell immunotherapy for solid tumours using gene-modified T-cells”.
Supervisor: Dr. John Maher, Academic Oncology Department, Thomas Guy House, Guy’s Hospital.

October 2003-June 2006: B.Sc. Biochemistry, King’s College, London, U.K.


January 2012-2016: Research Associate, International Institute of Anticancer Research, Kapandriti, Greece

January 2016-Present: Managing Editor & Executive Publisher of the Journals ANTICANCER RESEARCH, IN VIVO, and CANCER GENOMICS AND PROTEOMICS, International Institute of Anticancer Research, Kapandriti, Greece

  • British Society for Investigative Dermatology, 2010 Annual Meeting, Edinburgh
    Inhibition of ultraviolet A-induced DNA damage by vitamin E
    G.J. Delinassios, M.S. Cooke and A.R. Young
  • European Society of Photobiology Meeting, 2009, Wroclaw, Poland
    Inhibition of cellular oxidative stress in keratinocytes by α-tocopherol
    G.J. Delinassios, M.S. Cooke and A.R. Young


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