IMPORTANT NOTE: You may submit your article only through our online submission systemSubmit your manuscript
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Letter to Authors

This letter accompanies the proof sent to Authors

Dear Sir/Madam:

Enclosed are the galley proofs of your article for CANCER GENOMICS & PROTEOMICS.
We would like to call your attention to the following:

  1. Please read thoroughly, correct, and return the proofs to the Editorial Office within 24 hours.
  2. Proofs should be returned by e-mail, fax or the fastest mail service available. Delays in the return of these proofs will necessitate the publication of your paper in a later issue of the journal.
  3. Please read the entire manuscript carefully to verify that no changes in meaning have been introduced into the text through language improvements or editorial corrections.
  4. Corrections should be limited to typographical errors.
  5. Should you require information about your article (publication date, volume, page numbers, etc) please call: +30-22950-52945 or send an e-mail to
  6. Please provide your complete address (not P.O.B.), telephone and fax numbers.
  7. Please feel free to contact us with any queries that you may have (Tel./Fax: +30-22950-53389 or +30-22950-52945, e-mail:

Thank you for your cooperation.


G. J. Delinasios
Managing Editor

IMPORTANT NOTE: You may submit your article only through our online submission system